
Railway And Land Transport Services

Stable Shipping Time! Safe and fast!

The whole territory of China can be covered

Advantageous Ports of Departure: Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Ningbo, Qingdao

(Paramount Logistics Serve You)

1China to Europe land transport with the advantages of safety and stability, large transport volume, fast transport speed and competitive price;
2Western Channel: entering and leaving from Alashankou - arriving in Europe via Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus and Poland;
3Central Channel: from Er Lian port to Europe via Mongolia, Russia, Belarus and Poland;
4Eastern channel: enter and exit from Manzhouli Port - arrive in Europe via Russia, Belarus and Poland;
5Service mode: to port service, Customs clearance to the door service, special line service with Double custom clearance and custom duty included and other services
6Provide customers with one-stop services such as picking up, booking, customs declaration, customs clearance, custom duty payment and delivery. 。

International Logistics Service


Shenzhen Supreme Logistics Co., Ltd.
Paramount Logistics can provide you with logistics services from China to all the world: international sea shipping, international air transport, international express, Southeast Asia land transport, China Europe railway, warehousing and centralized transportation and other customized logistics services.